What You Need To Know About Jiu Jitsu Belts

Jiu jitsu belts are a key part of the sport. They help to indicate a practitioner's level of experience, and can also be used as a tool to help motivate students. Here's what you need to know about jiu jitsu belts:

The first thing to know is that there are different colors of Jiu Jitsu straps. The most common colors are white, blue, purple, brown, and black. Each color represents a different level of experience, with white being the least experienced and black being the most experienced.

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There is also a ranking system within each color belt. For example, a blue belt will have a higher ranking than a white belt, but a purple belt will have a higher ranking than a blue belt. This system is used to help identify who is the most experienced practitioner in any given class.

Jiu jitsu belts can also be used as motivational tools. For example, some schools will award stripes on belts to signify progress made by a student. This can be a great way to keep students motivated and focused on their goals.

When you are ready to buy a jiu jitsu belt, there are a few things you should keep in mind in order to make sure you get the best belt for your needs. Here are some tips:

-Consider what level you are at. There are different belts for different levels of experience and achievement. If you are a beginner, you will want a different belt than if you are an experienced practitioner.

-Think about the material. Jiu jitsu belts are typically made from either cotton or leather. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to choose the material that is right for you.

-Choose the right size. Jiu jitsu belts typically come in four different sizes: A0, A1, A2, and A3. Make sure to measure your waist before you purchase a belt so that you can get the right size.