Should you be using a registered migration agent?

Australia migration agent in Sydney

Courtesy – mivisaconsultant

The immigrants might often have a question at the back of their mind about whether they should use an agent or not. In a nutshell, it is always essential to use a migration agent to move to Australia, and it all depends on the ability to submit a successful application. It is little like deciding whether to use an accountant to submit your tax return or a solicitor to prepare your will.

If you end up using a registered migration agent, the services they offer will generally include the following.

  • The migration agent in Sydney, Australia, Will advise you on what visa might best suit you out of the 140 visa options available in Australia.
  • They will provide you with an honest opinion about your chances of success.
  • They will also provide you with a written quote of their face to represent you, including the details of the application elements like medicals and translation expenses that will mean additional costs.
  • They will ensure that the documents you will need for your application are of a standard that meets the Australian department of immigration and citizenship requirements.
  • The experts assist you with any complexities or points of law that might apply to your unique case.
  • They will prepare a legislatively based submission to support your application and present you in the best possible way. They might lodge your application monitor the progress, and liaise with the Australian government on your behalf.

Hence it would be best if you considered applying for a visa through a registered migration agent only.