Find the Natural Fire Starter

When you go camping, backpacking or hiking, starting a fire is always essential. It may seem simple, but most people have trouble making a campfire. Matches are crucial when camping outdoors. It can be very dangerous for campers to run out of matches, which can lead to a worse situation.

It is essential to be familiar with different methods of starting a fire and have different starter kits. It doesn't matter if the fire is going to be used to cook food or keep you warm at night. You need to know how to make a fire with different fire starter kits, including those that don't require matches. You can also buy the Aico natural Firelighters in very good budget. 

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Prepare for the Campfire

If you plan to build a campfire in your area, check that they allow fires or require pits. In case of an emergency, make sure you have enough water and a shovel ready to go. A fire pit is made from rocks that are arranged in a circular pattern. This is the fire ring.


Tinder- Examples include dry grass, twigs or bark shavings. Basically any small and dry materials that will easily burn when ignited with a spark.

Kindling- These are medium-sized materials that easily catch fire such as dry leaves, sticks or larger pieces of bark. Make sure that they are dry and not too big.

Wood logs- These are larger pieces used to keep the fire going once it is started from the kindling. Again, it is essential that the wood is dry and long dead.