Let A Vancouvers Landscaping Company Transform Your Ordinary Yard Into An Edible Yard

Many homeowners in Vancouver have wanted a yard that provides shade and beauty. Today's hottest landscaping trend is the edible yard. A Vancouver’s landscaping company can transform a yard so that kids not only go to play but also eat in it. The parents can also benefit by saving money on groceries by cooking from the ingredients they grow in their yard.

The best spots for edible plants are those that have a mix of sun and shade. While few edible plants can grow in the sun, there are some areas that can be very useful. Landscape companies can help you plan your landscape and suggest ways to plant edible and non-edible plants. A Vancouvers lawn company can help homeowners learn and implement smart gardening tips like proper drainage and enriched earth.

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The addition of herbs to your yard is a beautiful thing. There are over 40 varieties of basil. Sage is a strong herb that can be grown almost anywhere. There are many different varieties too. Fennel can grow tall and give life to your garden by moving in the breeze. Golden lemon thyme has beautiful golden leaves and thyme grows tall too.

Other vegetables can also be colored. Purple blooms can be as big as baseballs on artichoke plants. Cherry tomato plants can be trained so that they cascade over a tree. Lettuce plants are a great border and can thrive in the cold months. Shade and fruit trees are a great way to add shade.

Dwarf trees are easier to manage. These trees rarely reach more than 10 feet tall, but they produce large fruits. Many well-known apple varieties, such as Granny Smith, Gala, Fuji and Fuji, are available in dwarf varieties. Citrus trees can thrive all year in warmer climates. They can also thrive in smaller areas.