All Terrain Vehicles – Driving A Dangerous Machine Safely

"All-terrain vehicles" or ATV is a general term applied on vehicles with four or three low-pressure tires, including amphibious ones. They are designed to travel on inhospitable terrain, and because of this, they are sturdy, stable, and supposed to be safe for rough and rugged ground. But sturdy as they may be, all-terrain vehicles should be operated only by those skilled and skilled enough to do so. If you're not trained, do not try it.


• Get acquainted with all-terrain vehicles. Learn as many items as possible about these tough machines. Surf the internet, read the manuals, and slough through publications about them. Be sure to get to know and ask people who have used an ATV.

• Get used to the feel of driving. First, observe ATV drivers navigate the rough terrain. Ask them questions if you want. Try seating and imagine how it would be controlled by you when it's in motion. Do not try to go to really rugged terrain simultaneously. Try the more manageable terrains in the beginning. Also, do not get on an ATV at once. The models are secure and best for beginners. Learn to crawl before you walk.

• Get expert instruction. A driving instructor can help you learn and master driving an all-terrain vehicle. There are also lectures about ATVs that you can attend. It is possible to get reliable recommendations from ATV magazines or sites like

Things to Consider

• Your first consideration, if you would like to drive an all-terrain vehicle, would be safe. Make sure that you are properly protected from any bulge or spill which will occur. Helmets shoes, jackets, and eye protection should be worn whenever you are driving an ATV. Injuries and deaths aren't uncommon among ATV users.

• Second, you should be proficient and strong enough to control this powerful machine. Never underestimate it. They have no suspension, except that offered by the tires. They also weigh up to 600 pounds, so they are difficult to control. You are likely to be tossed and bumped in all directions and strength to withstand this, and to control the wheel, are absolutely required.

• Third, never jeopardize the life span of other people by trying to drive an all-terrain vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Never let a passenger ride with you, especially if you are not that experienced. The majority of these vehicles are made to take on just one person — the driver. In case you have to consult with the manufacturer if a passenger is allowed.

ATVs are for the daring, rugged kind of people that love the challenge of controlling and mastering a machine. It's not for the weak or the timid. But bravery with no ounce of precaution is quite dangerous. You can enjoy all-terrain vehicles but be wise enough to acquire the skill before driving them.