Is Hemp Extract The Same As CBD?

One of the most trending Google search phrase is: "Is pure hemp extract the same as CBD?" Other frequent questions are "What's the difference between CBD oil and coconut oil? And, "Does flaxseed oil comprise pure CBD oil"

The answer is no, they're two entirely different things. When shopping for CBD many people think they are getting a "deal" when they are looking for CBD oil and see 3000 milligrams pure hemp extract for a fraction of the cost and end up buying it. The truth is, this is NOT a deal.

Hemp extract doesn't actually contain CBD. Only Phyto-Cannabinoid Rich (PCR) hemp oil contains CBD but to little extent. You can have a peek here if you want to buy CBD oil and CBD infused products.

Now let us have look at the difference between both CBD and Hemp oil. CBD oil and hemp oil are exceptional products which benefit our health but do so in different ways.

Both come from different areas of the cannabis plant and so have various applications and advantages. However, it's easy to confuse the two and brands do not make it any easier for customers to tell the difference, sometimes on purpose – sometimes not.

Regrettably, some manufacturers tag their products only to deceive customers, which explain the reason why it's important to always read the ingredients list on the back of any product that you want to buy.

To make certain entrepreneurs are not taking advantage of you, make sure you always check the item tag . If you are searching to gain from CBD be certain you're buying something which clearly says it comprises of CBD components.