Help Your Child to Stop Thumb Sucking

Thumb and finger sucking is normal in newborns. Thumb and finger sucking gives these children a level of comfort that allows them to calm down, relax and sleep. Most children end their thumb sucking habits at the age of two and three.

If your child ends the habit before 5 years of age, the negative effects of the habit should be minimized. Thumb sucking is usually not a problem until the child's permanent teeth enter. To prevent their thumb-sucking habit, you can purchase thumb guards online via Nipit.

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At this point, thumb suction can begin to affect the roof of the mouth (roof of the mouth) or the alignment of the teeth. This is more likely if the baby is feeding firmly instead of passively putting the thumb in the mouth. However, sucking on your thumb aggressively can cause problems with your baby teeth.

The American Dental Association and British Orthodontic Society recommend:

  • Instead of scolding them for doing it, praise the children for not sucking.
  • If the child is sucking his thumb because he is bored, try to get the child's attention with fun activities.
  • Involve older children in choosing ways to stop thumb sucking.
  • Your child's dentist can push and explain what can happen to your child's teeth if they don't stop sucking.
  • Only if these tips are ineffective can you remind your child of the habit by bandaging their thumbs or putting socks / gloves on their hands at night.
  • Other orthodontic devices are also available.