An Informative Guide on Networking Basics

A network is a group of computers, printers, and other devices connected by cables. Each computer, printer, or other peripheral device connected to the network is called a node. You can also opt for tekkis corporation for computer IT services..

Various types of networks include: 

LAN (local area network): LAN  is a network that is usually limited to a geographic area, e.g. a university building or campus. LANs can be small, connecting only three computers, but often connecting hundreds of computers used by thousands of people. 

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WAN (Wide Area Network): Often networks are in many physical locations. The World Wide Web brings together several geographically separated LANs. This is achieved by connecting various local area networks with services such as leased special telephone lines, dial-up lines satellite links, and packet data services. 

Internet: The Internet is a system of interconnected networks that exist throughout the world, enabling data communication services such as remote login, file transfer, email, the World Wide Web, and newsgroups.

Intranet:  An intranet is a private network that uses internet-based tools but is available only within that organization. 

Ethernet: Ethernet is popular because it offers a good balance of speed, cost, and ease of installation. 

A computer network is a very important and crucial part of information technology.  Networks play an important role in all types of organizations, from small to medium-sized enterprises, in banks, multinational companies, stock exchanges, airports, hospitals, police stations, post offices, colleges, universities, and even at home, in short, networks play an important role wherever the computer is used.